Movie Questions

True Romance or False Identity

E.T. and Poltergeist both came from the same script - True

The lion in the MGM logo killed two people just after it was filmed - False

Real skeletons were used for a sequence in the movie "Poltergeist." - True

Following the tremendous success of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the New Zealand government created the position of Minister for Lord of the Rings - True

George Lucas based the character Chewbacca on a rug in his mum’s living room - False

Jeff Goldblum is an accomplished flautist - False, he’s massive pianist

Buzz Lightyear’s original name was Lunar Larry - True

True or false - in an effort to appeal to the younger generation Vin Diesel is changing his name Vin Solar - False

In Jurassic Park, the sounds the Velociraptors make when communicating is the sound of tortoises having sex - True

Robert Patrick, the actor best known for playing the T-1000 in the Terminator films, left behind the Hollywood lifestyle to set up his own pest control business - False, he isn’t an exterminator.

Witchfinder General (Knowledge)

During production on Halloween, the budget would not stretch to a custom mask for Michael Myers so the art director purchased and amended a mask of which movie/TV character? - Captain Kirk

Which film was the first to show a flushing toilet? - Psycho

Which movie has the best selling soundtrack of all time - The Bodyguard

The movie Die Hard was originally written to star which singer - Frank Sinatra

In The Usual Suspects line-up scene the characters are seen laughing hysterically. This scene was originally supposed to be played seriously, however the director chose to use the footage of the characters laughing after Benicio del Toro would not stop doing what - Farting

Which 2006 sci-fi film features Michael Caine getting stoned and dancing to Aphex Twin - Children of Men

What happens to Chihiro’s parents in the 2001 film Spirited Away? - Turned into pigs

In the poppy-field scene in The Wizard of Oz, the snow which is falling was actually made of what? - Asbestos

In terms of budget to takings, what is the most profitable film of all time? - Paranormal Activity (cost 60 grand, made 89 million)

Christian Bale said that when preparing for his role in the film American Psycho, he took inspiration from a fellow actor who he described in real life as exhibiting “very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes” - who was it? - Tom Cruise

Behind Enemy Lines

And there'll be one less on this boat, if you don't shut that hole in your face - Titanic

I kick arse for the lord - Braindead/Dead Alive

Leave your stupid comments in your pocket - The Room

Have a lovely day - Home Alone 2

Do you know how hard it is to find a decent man in this town? Most of them think monogamy is some kind of wood - The Mask

Why can’t you be happy for me, and then go home and talk about me behind my back like a normal person? - Bridesmaids

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion - Donnie Darko

We are so lucky to have been raised amongst catalogues - Best In Show

I once thought I had mono for an entire year. It turned out I was just really bored. - Wayne’s World

He was the patron saint of quality footwear - Spinal Tap


One man’s struggle to take it easy - Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Escape or die frying - Chicken Run

Nice planet! We’ll take it - Mars Attacks

This is the weekend they didn’t play golf - Deliverance

And now! At Last! Another film completely different from some of the other films which aren't quite the same as this one is - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

If you only see one movie this year... you need to get out more often - Naked Gun

The Longer You Wait, The Harder It Gets - 40 Year Old Virgin

Who Will Survive, and what will be left of them? - Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Family isn't a word. It's a sentence - The Royal Tenenbaums

In Space, No One Can Hear You Clean. - Wall-E

The Imposter - Real HORROR or not?

It’s My Party And I’ll Die If I Want To - True

Who Ghost There? - False

Never Say Sever Again - False

Killer Condom - True

Fertilize the blaspheming bombshell - True

Zombies Ate My Sphincter - False

Surf Nazis Must Die - True

All Lizards Are Bastards - False

Revenge of the Bathtub Shitter - False

Anal Paprika 3: Menage-A-Death - True

Lost In Translation

Six Naked Pigs - The Full Monty (China)

My Partner With The Cold Snout - K-9 (Germany)

His Powerful Device Makes Him Famous - Boogie Nights (China)

Captain Supermarket - Army of Darkness (Japan)

This Hit Man Is Not As Cold As He Thought - Leon (China)

Dimwit Surges Forth - The Waterboy (Thailand)

Excitement 1995 - The Shawshank Redemption (China)

Meetings and Failures in Meetings - Lost In Translation (Portugal)

Mysterious Murder in Snowy Cream - Fargo (China)

Please, Do Not Touch the Old Women - The Producers (Italy)

This Dead Person Is Very Alive - Weekend At Bernie’s (China)

The Night of the Cold Noses - 101 Dalmations (Spain)

I Will Marry a Prostitute to Save Money - Pretty Woman (China)

The Happy Dumpling-to-be Who Talks And Solves Agricultural Problems - Babe (China)

Come to My Cave and Wear this Rubber Codpiece, Cute Boy - Batman & Robin (China)

So, You’re A Lawyer - Interview With The Vampire (China)

Because She’s Ugly - Never Been Kissed (Thailand)

One Night, Big Belly - Knocked Up (China)

A Very Powerful Whale Runs To Heaven - Free Willy (China)

Satan Female Soldier - GI Jane (China)